We have seen a lot of change in the last few years and while the future is unpredictable, it is easy to see that the rise of remote work won’t slow down anytime soon. From the Great Resignation to the pandemic, a flexible work schedule is no longer a rare luxury enjoyed by the few.
The American Opportunity Survey done by McKinsey & Company shows that, as of spring of 2022, 58% of respondents have the ability to work from home at least one day out of their workweek. Another 35% can work from home their entire workweek.
Without the structure and visibility that come with an office setting, many remote workers find it easy to fall down the rabbit hole and let distractions interrupt their workweek. It is important to note that many surveys have shown that productivity increases when working remotely and that may be the case for many, but some may find additional challenges and unexpected distractions. These distractions can result in working longer hours as you have to refocus yourself on your work more often than usual and make it difficult to reach your deadlines.
As the chosen work from home office by many remote workers in Dacula, GA, we know a thing or two about time management strategies to keep you ahead of your deadlines. Check out our top tips for managing your time and controlling your workday:

Know Where your Time Goes

We all have the same 24 hours in the day, but what you do with them is up to you. In order to begin your time management journey, it is critical to know where your time goes. Then, you can focus on areas that need improving.
Rather than manually tracking your time, there are a variety of time tracking apps that can automatically keep track of your time.

Separate Your Work Space from Your Personal Space

Having a designated workspace can help you stay focused and use your time wisely. There may be the additional temptation to turn on Netflix when you grab your laptop and get to work on your couch or you may find yourself doing the dishes if you set up at the dining room table.
Choose a space that fosters focus and productivity, like a coworking space! While some may choose to work in libraries or coffee shops, be wary that these spaces may present different distractions than the ones you face at home!

➡️ Discover Paradigm Workhub, a modern professional remote workspace designed just for you!

Try Time Blocking

Time blocking is the practice of dividing your day into blocks of time and dedicating each block to completing a specific task or set of related tasks. It is important to prioritize your tasks ahead of time so you meet your deadlines. By setting a schedule for yourself, you can avoid wasting time wondering what task to work on next or inadvertently task hopping which isn’t very efficient.

Schedule Breaks (and Take Them)

Remote workers report working longer hours and taking fewer sick days, a combination that creates the perfect storm for work from home burnout. Make sure you set breaks throughout your workday and throughout your week. Working as hard as you can for as long as you can can deplete creativity and motivation. Breaks can give your brain some time to destress and when you resume your work, you may find it easier to get your tasks done!

Communicate with Upper Management

One of the greatest advantages of working from home is that you can structure your workday around your life. For remote workers with young children, their workday could look vastly different from their coworkers. For some, their most productive hours may be before the rest of the house wakes up or after they go to bed.
Talk with your manager and make sure that you are transparent about the hours you are working and when you are available. Good communication practices can help everyone involved, so be sure to share your schedule with the necessary people.

Time for a Paradigm Shift

If you find yourself facing a mountain of distractions with no escape, we want to invite you to visit Paradigm Workspace and experience your very own Paradigm Shift (an important change that happens when the usual way of thinking about or doing something is replaced by a new and different way). Surrounding yourself with a community of people choosing to spend their time in a space that is designed to further your business and develop your network can help you create and stick to a schedule that works for you. First time visitors can enjoy a free day to explore the space and see how our co-working space could compliment your remote work routine. 
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